The Lord had delivered him from a host of evil spirits … spirits that robbed him of a normal life; that drove him from friends and family to live among the tombs; that caused him to cut himself with stones and rip the clothes from his body; spirits that produced an uncontrollable rage neither man nor chains could contain.  At the Master’s voice, he had been transformed, transported from an unimaginable living hell to place of serenity and peace at the Lord’s feet.

The decision seemed natural, no thought required, as automatic as breathing in that next breath of air.  The Lord had restored life to him and so he would give his life to the Lord.  Life for life.  As the Lord stepped into the ship, ready to leave the country of the Gadarenes, the man ran to him and lay his request before the  Lord.  He would be with the him wherever he chose  to go.  When Jesus became weary and needed to sit, he would supply the chair.  When the Lord was thirsty, he would would be the first to offer a cool cup of water.  It was what he wanted, it was what he craved … to be with the one who had shown him so much compassion.  Any request great or small would be a joy for him to fulfill for the Master.

Imagine the bewildered look on his face when the Lord, with eyes full of love, gently smiled and said, “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.”  What? Had he misunderstood the Lord?  Was his mind leaving him again?  The Lord did not want him with him?  But then thinking again, he must trust this man that had redeemed him from certain destruction.  Surely the Lord, who was able to banish the multitude of devils knew what he was doing when he instructed him to return to his friends.  And so he was resolved, that whether in the Lord’s presence or not, he would follow through on his decision.  He would trade his will for the Master’s, he would spend his life as the Lord instructed.  The bible goes on to record that the this man departed and began to publish throughout the land the wonderful works that Jesus Christ had done for him; and that all men were amazed by his testimony.

What about you?  Has the Lord ever told you, “No.”?  Has there ever been something you wanted as much as your next breath and yet it seemed the Lord would not let it fall within your grasp?  Has there been something else, that you preferred not to do, that he kept moving you towards?  The Lord does know what is best for you.  He knows the talents he has placed within you, and where you can be most effective.  Trust him and be the witness he wants you to be.  Publish the love he has shown you to those with whom you come in contact.  Always understand that when the Lord says, “No.”, it is good.


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