As the story goes, two gentlemen stood by the coffin of their deceased friend during the visitation.  As they looked down on his earthly remains, one commented to the other,”I wonder how much he left?”  After a brief pause the other friend slowly remarked,”All of it.”  Ecclesiastes 5:15 tells us that we will take nothing of our earthly labor with us on the day of our departure from this life.  Furthermore, it says, just as we entered into the world (naked) so shall we leave it.  However, even though we cannot take anything with us, we can ensure there is something waiting for us at the close of this life.

Matt. 6:20 encourages us to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust  can corrupt it, and where thieves cannot break in and steal it.  What the Lord is talking about here is investing in the things of God, studying his ways, and walking as he walked.  Anytime you do something to benefit yours or someone else’s spiritual well-being, you are investing (laying up treasures) in heaven.  I encourage you to get involved in the things of God.  Take your family to church, don’t just send them.  If you don’t have one, get a bible; then begin reading it regularly.  Faithfully attend church services (be there every time possible and be on time, so you can feel good when you get there).  Rather than a spectator, be a participant in the services.  It won’t be long before you will come to the understanding that you have more to go to heaven for than you used too.

Remember, you can’t take anything with you, but you can send it on ahead.

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